Services Provided: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment • Phase II Site Investigation, Geophysical Survey
Completion: 2013
Lewis Consulting Group was retained by the non-profit organization to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with the scope of limitations of the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM E1527-13) for a historic property located in Trenton, New Jersey. LCG's investigation included identifying potential environmental areas of concern, conducting interviews with the site representative and neighboring establishments, reviewing of historic documents, completing federal and state database searches, characterizing soils, and on-site inspection of the property and improvements. Additionally, LCG completed municipal, County, and NJDEP file reviews to determine historic site usage and operations.
Subsequently, based upon LCG's findings in the final Phase IESA report, LCG conducted a Phase II Site Investigation for the subject site consisting of a geophysical radon survey. The purpose of LCG's geophysical survey was to determine the presence/absence of underground storage tanks in connection with the property. LCG conducted a geophysical survey of the accessible areas of the site and perimeter utilizing electromagnetic metal detection and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) equipment. In addition, LCG conducted a radon survey to investigate the potential for radon within the basement of the site dwelling. LCG presented our findings and recommendations in a comprehensive final report for the client, summarizing all investigative activities.